Spirit Tracks Wiki

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Hometown................................Castle Town






Chancellor Cole is one of the antagonists in this game. The main one, Malladus, eventually possesses Cole in the final battle. Possessed Cole is the second stage of the battle against Malladus.


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Chancellor Cole

At first, he just seems like a regular dude with a bunch of hats. Princess Zelda, once the Spirit Tracks start dissapearing, suspects Cole. Asking Link to help her, she and Link head to the Tower of Spirits. They are stopped, though, when the tracks underneath them disapear. A storm gathers and an ominous cloudd appears and strikes the tower with a mighty bolt. It splits into five pieces, but is still kept together with each piece floating above the last. The cloud spreads, and a Demon Train comes out. The Demon Train is revealed to contain Cole and his right-hand-man, Byrne. Chancellor Cole reveals his true form once he comes out of the train. 

Cole was also one of the people that Malladus possessed, the other being Zelda.

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Spirit Tracks Wiki pics M-CC
Spirit Tracks Wiki pics M-CC 2

Malladus possessing Cole

Spirit Tracks Wiki pics Chancellor Cole True Form

Chancellor Cole in his true form-a Demon
